Recent Work
Worked with the wonderful @nielsmaerten on this app enabling users to get their blood glucose and other real-time diabetes data from Google Assistant. Contributed the front-end for marketing and configuration of the Assistant app. Built with Typescript, React, and Material UI, localized with i18next, and integrated Firebase Auth and Cloud Firestore.
Contributed to the frontend and backend of ecobee's first consumer subscription products, ecobee AirFilters and ecobee Haven. Was fortunate enough to get to make some contributions to this Nestjs module that our team open-sourced. In addition to everyday work on the site, contributed to the development of new product pages for pictured below.
A hobby project, no longer maintained, BG Menu Bar is a Mac app which consumes Blood Glucose and trend data from a Nightscout instance, and presents it as a status menu in your Mac's menu bar.
With my excellent colleagues @ritaelise and @kjaebker at the IMA Lab, developed this mobile tour app for The Art Institute of Chicago. We used the Lab’s open-source TAP CMS for the back-end, TourML for transport, and a new custom iPhone app for the front-end. A tight timeline and some novel development challenges made for a whole lot of camaraderie and learning. This one was a real blast to work on.
Contributed extensively, mostly on the back-end with some front-end work, to this arts-focused community site affiliated with the Walker Art Center. This Drupal-based site is one of the larger projects I worked on during my time at IMA Lab. It's sort of a social network, sort of an exhibition platform, sort of a marketplace of ideas.
Worked on multiple implementations of this iPad app for specific Indianapolis Museum of Art exhibitions (“Matisse: Life in Color, ” “The Essential Robert Indiana”), and contributed to its open source release in October of 2014.